Thirsty for God

We return this week to the beatitudes, the fourth in the series with this ‘simple’ message: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled;” (Matthew 5:6). Though this may sound simple, you can quickly take a look at your life and ask yourself – Do I truly thirst for God’s righteousness? Is His calling my first passion above all else?

Often we find that God is not first in our lives. Let us remember though, this is the fourth step in Jesus’ path for his disciples. First we are called to empty our spirit of self and make room for God. Then, we must mourn our sins and then allow our free will to be tamed and worked by God’s hand (Matthew 5:3-5). After all this, then we are ready to find fulfillment at the greatest meal possible at the Lord’s table.

So here is the question – what are you hungering for more than God? What do you thirst for?

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