Jesus Loves _____, This I Know

“Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.” This classic song is one that so many can sing by heart – Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me. And here lies the song’s true message. We all can sing it – Jesus loves each and every one of us. If we can accept this, this will change how we interact and treat one another. If I accept that Jesus loves me, than I must accept that Jesus loves you. And I must then love you, just as he commands that we do. We need to do this more, to love one another, as Jesus loved us (John 13:34). Even more so, we are called to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44). In living out these commandments, we fulfill Jesus’ call that we will be known as Christians by our Love (John 13:35).

The message this week was shared by Tim Henkel.

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