
God has called us here to be a place where people can find peace, healing connection and a transforming relationship with Jesus.

Simply put we want make a difference in people’s lives, through our worship, classes, Life Groups, and other ministries. We offer a warm and inviting atmosphere that draws outsiders.

Although we will never have all the answers, we will put those answers we do have into action.  That action will be clothed in grace and compassion and a sincere desire for unity and peace. Unity in Christ will prevail over the diversity of gender, race, age, economic status, education level, or any other artificial barrier that would hinder God’s plan for this community of believers. We will be family — authentic people with love and compassion for one another. We will remain so awestruck by our redemption that tradition and opinion and personal comfort will never get in the way of our true calling — to share the story, share the grace, share the salvation, share the Christ.